We will make every effort to ship your item(s) same-day, but please allow 1-3 business days for processing.
We ship all our products using USPS Priority Flat-rate. Shipping times may vary based on your location, but typically arrives within 1-3 business days. Alaska and Hawaii may incur additional fess upon checkout.
Non-US shipments will use USPS First-Class Package International shipping, which starts at rates of $9.50 USD. Depending on your location, additional fees and customs declarations may be required.
Not all cats react the same to catnip. Most people think that catnip will make cats go crazy. Although some do, some just mellow out, some eat it and don't have a psychedelic reaction, and some don't have any reaction at all.
Due to the unpredicable nature of how cats will react, we do not offer a refund or return on Big Moo's Catnip.
We apologize for this inconvenience. We also believe in helping to keep greenhouse gases down, which, the shipping industry contributes to in a massive way.
We apologize if you were not 100% satisfied with Big Moo's Catnip, please donate the remainder of your catnip to a shelter, or give to a friend!
To help keep costs low, if you are not satisfied with any of our products, other than catnip, we will refund your purchase price, minus the cost of return shipping of the item.
Please Contact Us if you have any questions!